Thursday, July 26, 2012

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a ...

Largemouth   5-2012
Largemouth bass? Guess so! I used to enjoy an exercise we did in art class when I was in the 4th grade and still sometimes play with it. I make 2 or 3 lines on a page- randomly, with no thought whatsoever. Then, I turn the page over and over again until looking at those few lines makes sense and looks like something. This is one of those exercises. This Is What Comes Out Of Me!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Minimal Influence

Lots of storms tonight. I learned from my nieces that the most dangerous lightning is red; followed by pink, purple, blue, yellow and then white. We sat looking at the sky in awe of the amazing lightning over the lake. We saw almost every color except for the elusive RED, which was probably a good thing! This Is What Comes Out Of Me!  
Red Cloud    7-2012
If you haven't marked your calendar yet, the Opening Reception for my solo show at Ruthie's Bagel in Highland Park, NJ is this Saturday from 7-11 pm. It's exciting to see all my own work hung in one place! Please join the artwork and me! Ruthie's is at 70 Raritan Ave., Highland Park, NJ.  Their # is 732-640-1040. Woo Hoo!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Three Martian Army

Three Martian Army     June 2012
...for whatever reason, everything about this piece screams to me Ray Bradbury, who just passed away last month. I remember reading the Martian Chronicles when I was relatively young, and this still reminds me of what was in my imagination then - the colors, the movement, the mood. So be it! This Is What Comes Out of Me  

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Beautiful Plumage!

A Monty Python quip. Not the reason for this piece at all, just a good title I suppose. This is called PLUME. Thanks for looking. I think I've activated the Comments correctly on this blog...sorry to anyone who's tried to comment and couldn't. This Is What Comes Out Of Me, and I'd like to hear what comes out of you, too!

PLUME       5/12

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Mark Of Zorro the intro to my radio show. There's nothing deep about it; I just like the sound the sword makes cutting through the air. Many people ask me about it. The song is by The Chalengers. Now there are visual aids for it as well. This is what comes out of me.
The Mark Of Zorro      6/12

Friday, July 6, 2012

Tied, Tide, Thai'd??

You can choose how to spell it; that is the name. Here is what it looks like! In honor of bodies of water, restraints and asian cuisine! This Is What Comes Out Of Me!
TIDE       6/12

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ruthie's Bagel Dish!

NOT the name of any of my pieces, but the name of the next lovely place where I will be exhibiting my work... and what a place it is!! Ruthie's Bagel Dish is in Highland Park NJ, has lots of wall space AND lots of great food! There is a beautiful garden sitting area out back and I am very pleased to have the opportunity to decorate the walls here! The opening will be the evening of July 28th (Saturday) from 7-10:30 pm, I'm excited!!! There seems to be enough space there for 25 paintings, so you may just see this one...

This Is What Comes Out Of Me!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Directions in Dimension

Directions   5/12

 If you look at this in one shot it's just stripes on top of haystack type shapes. Imagine, though if the "stripes" were steps into another dimension...Squint your eyes... Well it works for me!!  Maybe I should have named this one "twilight zone" instead! This Is What Comes Out Of Me!