Monday, January 20, 2014

The Barn Theatre In Montville, NJ!

I have a few of my paintings hanging in the beautiful lobby at The Barn Theatre in Montville NJ! Thanks to Antionette, Lillian and Sal for connecting the dots! This is a wonderful theatre and kind of out of the way; I don't know if I ever would have found it on my own! The play they are presenting currently is The Master Class.  Here is a piece called SOLID THOUGHTS. I am incorporating some stamping as well as watercolor and enjoying the effects; I hope you do too!! In the meantime, check out the Barn Theatre's website for their upcoming plays; they are at 32 Skyline Drive in Montville!

1 comment:

  1. Really digging the incorporation of the stamps! They feel very grounded within the context of the piece, and as such, seem to provide the perfect point of departure for the eye to explore the surrounding abstractions! Very cool! Good luck with the exhibit, Diane!


Thanks for your comment, now go listen to something LOUD!!!