Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Would You Feed A Fly To This?

I saw it as an amphibian of sorts, and no one is going to tell me different! I've been approached by some people who tell me my work looks nothing like it's description... I shall politely disagree. It's in the beholder now, isn't it-- not only the beauty but the interpretation itself. I see scales, I see a half digested dragonfly, I see ooze and vaporized wings and I see claws, a tongue and a tail. Feel free to take possession of it, even for a moment and name it yourself! The piece is called Liquid Amphibian. So it goes. This is what comes out of me. It also is one of the pieces hanging at Ruthie's Bagel Dish until the end of summer. I've got 40 pieces hanging there; would love for some of you to see them. Really!
Liquid Amphibian - 6/2011

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